For Immediate Release - November 22, 2021
Amy McDougall - 831.595.8556
[Portland, OR] The Provenance Chain™ Network (PCN) has entered into a partnership with AllClir™, maker of measurable disinfectant sensors. This partnership creates the ability to verify surfaces have been sprayed with the adequate amount of disinfectant, and to create an immutable record of the event. This record will include the location, time, cleaning crew member, cleaners used and a photo. End users of the cleaned area will have proof the cleaning protocol was upheld, for greater peace of mind. Regulators will have reliable verification for more complete audits. Facilities implementing this platform of sensors and immutable record keeping will have validation for regulators and proof to end users, as well as, cleaning crew feedback and training.

Jeff Gaus, Co-founder and CEO of PCN, says, “Pilot customers of this technology are very excited by the instant feedback of the sensors and the immutable record each event creates to serve all parties involved, regulators, facility owners and end users. Never before have these customers had all their data available to them in real-time. This is a real game-changer in how facilities manage their cleaning protocol and have evidence. We could not be more excited to partner with AllClir™ to bring this technology to market. The time when you enter a hotel room or doctor’s office or hospital room and know for certain it has been cleaned properly is now a reality.”
AllClir™ Founder, Spike Bailey, says “This partnership really provides a real value to those customers that have to audit and provide proof something has been sprayed properly. The AllClir™ sensors tell a great story and PCN records that story. It’s a marriage made in heaven - or at least in Portland, Oregon.” The two companies knew instantly that their technologies were complementary - a multiplier in creating benefit for the customer and the customer’s customer. Whether it’s a hospital, hotel room, airplane cabin, a new level of trust can be established about the cleanliness of the area.
About AllClir™
AllClir’s easy to use measurable disinfectant sensors (MDS) help solve surface disinfection process problems by providing unambiguous visual evidence a non-porous surface has been sufficiently wetted with disinfectant. This can be used in hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, offices or any space that needs to be cleaned and validates it has been cleaned. This simple, immediate feedback is a game-changer for three key elements of any surface disinfection process: Validation, Training, and Auditing. AllClir™ is now GBAC STAR™ Registered. For more information, visit
About The Provenance Chain™ Network
The Provenance Chain™ Network (PCN) is defining and ushering in a new era of consumer and commercial transparency to satisfy people’s fundamental right to know the facts about what they buy, use, and consume. Their vision is to reveal the lifecycle story—the origin, custody, consumption, and conversion—of every product. Their mission is to connect partners to, and lead the operations of, the world’s largest, most trusted, open-standards Transparency as a Service (TaaS) platform so people can make the best decisions about the supply chains that serve them.
For more information, visit